I have found that so many people have very strong opinions about having marble countertops.
A few days after we had our marble island counter installed an acquaintance was in our home and this was her response as she ran her hands over our marble…
“Oh, my! You went with marble! Are you going to regret that?”
I won’t even go into the next five minutes of me defending the honor of my shamed marble.
This wasn’t my first experience with the opinions and gratefully I was better prepared this time to stand strong in my choice and to be proud of it.
Let me go back just a bit and explain how we came to getting the marble and what I think about it after living with it for 6 months (the good, bad and ugly).
This was our first big remodel of our home and I was so excited to add new character and design elements into our home.
Keep in mind that it had been 12 years since we had picked out flooring, tiles etc. while we were building our home and obviously there is always a budget. Dang budget…I hate you.
Kelly and I headed out to find the stone that would be the icing on top of our newly built island.
I was so excited!
I wanted to keep an open mind about what kind of stone we chose but I also knew I wanted the island to be a light color because I did not want it to become a dark hole in the center of the room.
We went to many different showrooms and even walked among the huge slabs that were outside (in 7 degree weather I might add).
All of the men working with us kept telling us how awful marble would be, completely ignored me and then proceeded to show me the most manly granite you can even imagine.
I think they thought I was building a manly cabin in the woods.
Each showroom left me more and more discouraged and everything I was being shown I truly hated.
I sank into the car seat as we headed home, turned to Kelly and said, “This isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be.” I think I probably sulked the rest of the ride home like the mature woman I am.